Cudillero to Soto de Luina

7 miles of hiking today, by far our shortest day. Our total of miles walked is now 310. Here’s the map in the stats: screenshot_2016-09-18-13-20-28

If you are a detail minded person, you may notice a bit of a zigzag in our path from Cudillero (to the right) to Soto de Luina (to the left). Here’s the story: Cudillero is not actually on the Camino. Therefore, this morning we needed to free-form from our hotel to the Camino. We could just backtrack, but that would be too simple. It would also require about 2 extra kilometers from what should be the most direct route. In looking at the guide book map in detail, and our GPS function on Bill’s cell phone, we were able to come pretty close to where the Camino should be. Thus, the zig zag you note, is Bill searching for indications of the Camino. With a little patience, we found it and we were on our way on the correct trail.

Before diving into the day’s hike, there are some highlights from Cudillero we should note. Almost immediately out of our hotel was a tunnel that was dug through solid rock. This 200 meter long tunnel redirected the local stream to the seashore,through the tunnel,  and allowed development of the former stream bed for town use. Alongside the stream is a very limited walking. Here’s Diane working her way through that tunnel: 20160917_180747 The local coast and town, in typical Spanish fashion, are beautiful.20160917_184450

Now on today’s hike: one feature we’ve noted in many of these beautiful valleys we travel through in Spain, is the use of Viaduct  to level out  the freeway which passes nearby. While freeways in themselves are not beautiful things, the viaducts are actually very impressive as they cross above the valleys . 20160918_100444

Because we are still near the coast, the Camino must pass by an obligatory Coastal View which is spectacular.20160918_100128

And of course, the occasional stream should be highlighted, too.20160918_101231

And just to demonstrate that there really were two of us hiking, here is a selfie: 20160918_100206

So, what do we do with the extra time when we have a short day? We doing laundry, we wash ourselves, and we walk about town. Actually, Diane typically tracks the distance we walk after we get done with our daily walks. We average almost 3 miles of walking in the evenings. Not so bad after an average of 16 miles per day of walking!

We hope everybody is enjoying this beautiful Sunday morning. See you Monday.

1 thought on “Cudillero to Soto de Luina

  1. Now, that’s my kind of day! When you wrote that you average 3 more miles after walking your 16, my mind immediately thought, I think I’ll nap while you two explore! It’s also dawned on me that I will still have jet lag whereas you two have been in Europe a month. I’ll just do what I can do and have fun doing it. today I’m starting to pack… have had everything in a pile on a table in my room. Need to see what odds and ends need to be gathered before Friday’s departure!
    Beautiful pictures! And really glad to see one of the both of you!

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