Soto de Luina to Cadavedo: The ups and downs

12 miles hike today, bringing our total to 322 miles hiked overall.screenshot_2016-09-19-14-29-26

If there is one feature that describes today, it would be up and down. We followed the coast for many miles.  Rather then tracing the outline of the coast, we dropped down into each cove. It really was beautiful, as each cove had a stream flowing into the ocean. It did however, make for a very interesting elevation profile.screenshot_2016-09-19-14-29-17 It looks like the teeth on a buzz saw. That profile is the reason why we ended up with nearly 2300 feet of climbing in only 12 miles. Several of our fellow peregrinos made the decision to stay on the road at one elevation rather than dropping down into the coves. While it no doubt saved them some climbing, they missed sights such as this.20160919_132010

One of our fellow peregrinos who did hike down into these coves agreed to capture a picture of Diane and I crossing one of the streams at the bottom of one of these coves.20160919_093500

And like the story that won’t go away, the effects of the rainfall and flooding last Thursday are still evident. Here is another large tree that fell down across the trail.20160919_100828

And a final note to our friends Doug and Kathy Brownell, who joined us in France for the trip on the River Lot. When we left the boat, we took the last can of tuna. After carrying it for over three hundred and twenty miles through Spain, Diane and I finally opened the can and enjoyed the tuna. Here’s to you, Kathy and Doug, for letting us have the last can of tuna. And more importantly, for joining us on that wonderful Adventure in France! 20160919_125227

So ends another day, our chores await. You all are in our thoughts and prayers.

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