Cadavedo to Luarca: Just a warm-up

Another 10 miles in the bank, bringing the walking total to 332 miles. screenshot_2016-09-20-13-59-13 A quick note about this Strava screenshot, it appears that I am not the only one using Strava on the Camino Del Norte. If you look just below the map on the screen shot, you will see one other person noted. Apparently this other person recorded their walk, which was the same as Diane and my walk, on Strava today.

Today was a short walk, and an easy walk. Not a lot of elevation change nor 20 miles to cover. After reading this post, it occurs to me that any hike that burn 1700 calories cannot be considered an easy hike. I guess we have become numb to the distances.

The route traveled through forested hills, 20160920_101236 and then into open meadowland, 20160920_102814 and then the spectacular view of the coast as we approached the town of Luarca.20160920_122354

It appears that we have only two more days of walking along the coast and then we turn south towards Santiago de Compostela. We will do our best to enjoy the coastal views while we have them, and look forward to our midpoint between the coast and Santiago, Sarria, where we meet Willow.

We just finished a wonderful lunch. We have become rather accustomed to finding a local grocery store and purchasing a baguette and some local cheese, some turkey and something to drink. With these, we make an outstanding lunch in about a quarter of the time it takes to order, eat, and then pay the bill at a restaurant. While we enjoy the restaurants here, day after day waiting for the bill can get a little long in the tooth.

We hope all is well with you.

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