Vilalba to Seixon: Fall is here

Today was 20 miles, bringing the total to 432 miles walked.screenshot_2016-09-26-18-06-55 It was a long walk but the weather was cooler making it much easier to do the distance. In fact, it is clear that Fall has fallen. The cold weather gear we’ve been carrying for 4 plus weeks is now coming in handy. The temperature this morning what’s under 50 degrees. When it starts getting to the low 40’s, then all of cold-weather gear comes out!

As a follow-up to our comment about French speaking people, here is a photo of Jean-Pierre and Danielle, along with Diane. They are from the north east of France and  great people to get to know. We are glad we have met them.20160925_173841

An interesting thing we’ve noted about Galicia is their use of slate in construction. The photo, below, shows the use of slate as roofing tiles.20160926_102451 This seems to be the most common type of roofing material here in Galicia. Apparently it is less expensive than wire or wood, as we have seen many, many fences made of slate. 20160926_112028 And it wouldn’t be a proper post without once again showing off the beauty that is Galicia. 20160926_144621

20160926_154002 Today is one of the more unusual stays for our journey. We are staying at a hotel which is not on the Camino. It is actually several miles off the Camino, but they have the virtue of being willing to pick you up wherever you decide to finish your days walk. As there are no other hotels for the next 40 or 50 miles, that makes this hotel the hands-down winner!

Tomorrow, they will take us to exactly where we stopped this afternoon and we will walk again for another 18 plus miles. When we stop, we will call this hotel and they will pick her up once again. Then, on Wednesday morning, they will drop it off at that same location and we will walk into Arzua. That is as far as we will go on this Camino. We will then go backwards on the Camino Frances to Sarria to meet Willow and finish the journey to Santiago with her. We are looking forward to that.

As we arrived here after 5 p.m., we are behind on our chores. I will need to get those going and then go search out a dinner.

2 thoughts on “Vilalba to Seixon: Fall is here

  1. Rb, it is a gift to hear from people back home. We’re glad the blog keeps you connected with us. Love, Dad and Diane

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