The priest and mercy

If I could learn this, if we could learn this.

Tuesday we went to the pilgrims mass in Santiago. Since then, I have been contemplating something that I saw that touched me deeply. It was a simple act, but what a demonstration of mercy in action it was.

Before the start of the service they announced in four separate languages and two separate occasions that there will be no photos allowed during the service. They made this clear.

About halfway through the service, a woman in back began to take pictures. Upfront, one of the five priests giving the service noticed her. With a stern but discreet look he pointed to her and with his finger motioned for her to come closer. She hesitated but came a little closer. He motioned for her to come yet closer. Again with hesitation, she came closer. Finally, when she was within about 30 feet of the podium he smiled and give her the OK sign and told her with hand motions to proceed with her photos. Yes, she was not supposed to be taking photos. And yes, the priest showed mercy and genuine love for her and saw something more important than the rules; that she was accepted there in the church, exactly as she was. It was sweet.

There is a song by The Sidewalk Prophets called “But he loves me anyway” which plays on this theme. The lyrics are riveting, but I’ll let you look them up.

Micah 6:8 says: ” … do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with your God”.

So much I need to learn. I think I’ll work on majoring in the majors. Let me show simple mercy.

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