Exchanging Franglish for Spanglish

For the past 10 days we have been in France. We have had a wonderful opportunity to self navigate the river Lot and explore some wonderful French countryside. Southern France is absolutely beautiful and with eight months of French vocabulary practice before we went, we successfully massacred the French language and created our own version of French English called franglish. The French were very forgiving and appreciated our attempts. Diane proved to be the most adept at actually communicating words that made sense. Tomorrow we will have the opportunity to meet mix Spanish and English and create Spanglish.

Unfortunately ( or fortunately), we were without internet the whole time on the river. We have many wonderful pictures and memories to share, but they will have to wait until we have a bit more time for me to create an appropriate post or two.

For now, we have many details to take care of before we start our Camino walk tomorrow morning.  We arrived in Irun after 10 hours of trains and need to repack bags and send our suitcase ahead to Santiago before the evening is up.

Tomorrow will be simple; walk, eat, walk, eat some more, walk some more, etc. We look forward to sharing that first day’s journey with you.


2 thoughts on “Exchanging Franglish for Spanglish

  1. I am so happy you’re hiking! Or so excited that you were about to! Looking forward to hearing about your daily adventures and how the two of you were doing. I am counting down the days with only 26 more before I will be “leaving on a jet plane”. Before you know it I’ll be joining you! Love you both glad you’re safe and looking forward to being connected again!

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