Aviles to Cudillero: Moving forward

Another 18 miles today, making the walking total 303 miles overall. So, here are the stats on today: screenshot_2016-09-17-16-08-46

It was interesting to look at a map of Spain to see how much of the northern coast we have covered. Below, is a map of Spain. The red dot indicates where we started in Irun Spain. The blue dot indicates where we currently are.


Today was an example of how to get lost in Spain. The Camino passed immediately below our hotel. We know exactly where to find it. Or so we thought. Yep, within a hundred yards, we were lost. Fortunately, the combination of the guidebook and Bill’s Google Maps on his phone allowed us to relocate the Camino about a half mile from where we lost it. No awards for that maneuver.

The rainstorm from 2 days ago continued to be the number one topic on the Camino, both for pilgrims and for locals. This photo shows the washout on the trail from the rainstorm, and two downed trees from that storm. It definitely was a significant storm on Thursday.20160917_141615

Thank you for being a part of our adventures so far. We are now going to search out an evening meal and find out where the trail starts for tomorrow. Hopefully we can follow it for more than a hundred yards before losing it!

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