Loredo to Guemes: A long and winding road

Today was another 17 miles, bringing the total to 159 miles for 10 days of hiking. Once again it was a mix of following the seashore and then moving in land. To add a novel twist to the seashore, we needed to cross the water on a ferry.20160906_085753 Here many of the peregrinos are lined up waiting for their chance to climb aboard the ferry.

Once across we traveled through an interesting town, passed a very large prison which wasn’t accepting visitors at that time, and then had our one climb of the day. Bill called it a pimple. It turned out to be a bit more. After hiking across sand to get to the climb, you then needed to scamper up an approximately 300 foot climb, basically hand in hand over foot fashion.20160906_103209 While this photo doesn’t look that challenging, what you can’t see is just behind Diane is about a 200-foot fall should she choose to make a mistake. This was, without question, the most challenging portion of trail we have found on any Camino.

The reward for that ascent and descent on the other side was the opportunity to walk between 2 and 3 miles on the beach.20160906_105141 Again, perspective is lacking in the photo, as the beach went on and on and on. It was really very cool.

Shortly after this beach stroll we took a turn inland for about 8 to 10 miles.20160906_141922 Somewhere over the top of the last mountain range you see is the ocean we left behind. Not to worry, because tomorrow we will see the ocean again just before we enter the large city of Santander.

We should also note that we met our first Americans on this journey. They are from North Carolina and have done 5 Caminos at this point. They will be staying in the same town we are this evening so we plan on meeting for dinner and discussing, what else, the Camino.

We hope all is well with you. You are in our prayers.

1 thought on “Loredo to Guemes: A long and winding road

  1. OMG!!! I am so glad that I am not hiking this part with you, though the views are amazing! Much prefer to enjoy the views vicariously through your pictures! Been seeing the temps in Ponferrada, Sarria and Santiago and they are having extremely high temps! Hope it cools off before I get there. Love you both!

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